I have many people to thank for their support and contributions to Eulogy.
It would be remiss of me to not thank Lauren James for the inspiration found in the pages of The Quiet at the End of the World. The seed for Bryony’s story was planted as I read James’s extraordinary novel, and wrestled with the questions raised there. It would also be remiss of me to not acknowledge Robin Wall Kimmerer for the ways in which her work, particularly Braiding Sweetgrass, helped shape and develop my thinking about the relationship between humanity and nature. The seed that was planted by Lauren James was nurtured from seedling to sapling by Kimmerer’s work. Other authors and their work further contributed to the development of my ideas and the eventual shape the world in this story took. For a more complete list, please visit my Resources page.
I would like to thank my family, my parents and my sisters, for their unwavering support of me and my writing. The deeper I get into the world of writing and publishing, the more I realise how insane I am for choosing this career, and your support makes all the difference.
Further thanks to Jack and Abigail for their enthusiastic response to the first draft of this story. Your belief in this story bolstered by own. Thanks, again, to Jack and also Rachel, for their early critique and feedback. In writing, the line between “solitary activity” and “community activity” is a skipping rope, and the two of you help me keep that rope in motion. Thank you.
I also wish to thank my Patrons. Your support is invaluable. It is thanks to you that I am able to keep this website running, and, like Jack and Rachel, you help me stay connected with the broader community of writers and readers when it could be so easy to become a hermit scribbling her stories by candlelight in a cave. Metaphorically, of course. My eyes could never handle writing by candlelight. I’ve tried.
Finally, I would like to thank my readers. Releasing one of my stories serially online is an experiment for me, so thank you for sticking around for the whole thing. Thank you to everyone who shares Eulogy with their friends. You mean the world to me.