Day 63

The robin and I are becoming friends. She hops around the grounds while I work in them. Mostly I turn exposed soil and prune overgrown vines. It feels good to be doing something.

She hops, chirps and pecks, especially when my spade turns up a worm.

I try to be careful. I don’t want to disturb the plants too much – they’ll have to make do without human intervention soon. And the ground freezes at night.

I shouldn’t be doing anything at all. Not at this time of year. But the alternative is sitting around doing nothing. Or going on directionless walks. So, I work the ground, take care of the plants, and talk to Robbie, the robin. I don’t think she’s the same one Marie was friends with.

The chickens also enjoy the worms. Sometimes I find myself laughing as Robbie and the chickens quarrel over a patch of earth I’ve just dug up.

I moved some Michaelmas daisies to Freddy’s grave. I should have done it earlier, when the weather was warmer. Or waited. I hope they survive. They’re hardy plants.