Day 75

I’ve made a decision.

I woke up this morning to the smell of snow in the air. I can see the clouds gathering, and I know they will break soon.

So, I have made up my mind.

I will take my favourite of Amy-jie’s blankets up Todrick’s hill. I will light a fire and cook a fish and winter vegetable stew. I will eat it and watch the sun set and the snow fall.

And then I will lie down to sleep.

Let the earth be my final bed. Let the snow be my shroud. Let Vicky feast on my flesh, and the trees on my bones. Let the deer fill their bellies with grass grown in soil enriched by my body. Let Robbie eat the worms that take my place.

The earth has fed me all my life. I intend to feed her in my death.

The breeze is cold and clean. The snow is coming.

I thought accepting death would feel like failure, but it doesn’t.

The end of humanity is not the end of the world.