What's in my Self Care Box
I tend to think of everything I do and use for self care as “My Self Care Arsenal”. This arsenal includes everything from friends I can contact when I’m not doing OK to recipes I love to cook. Part of this arsenal is “My Self Care Box”.
This is box is a literal box that I keep under my bed. The intention behind the box is to have some things all in one place that I can easily reach for when I need a little extra something for self care. Because it’s intended for when I don’t have much energy or motivation, everything in it has to be simple and easy to use.
In this post, I’ll be breaking down some of the things I keep in my Self Care Box and why. My hope is that in doing so, you’ll be encouraged to think about whether or not a Self Care Box is something you would like to put together, and what sorts of things you might put in it.
I love candles. I always have. I love the smells. I love the flickering of the flame. I love how calming it is to just sit in a room with only a candle for light.
So, when I was putting my Self Care Box together, it was a no brainer (which I like - brain fog!) to put some candles in. I initially had four, but am now down to my last few burns of my last one. Time to restock soon, methinks.
I also keep a wick trimmer and matches in my box. The wick trimmer because I like to take care of my candles, that’s as much a matter of self care as the actual burning of them, and the matches because, well, I need them to light the candles!
Some of my favourite candles:
I like to keep some snacks in my Self Care Box. At the time I took this photo, I had popcorn kernels and Jelly Babies. I also keep Ritz crackers and Oreos in there. I find it helpful to have some light snacks I can keep in my room and have on hand for those times when I’m hungry, but don’t have enough energy to go to the kitchen or think about what to eat.
Is it the healthiest? Maybe, maybe not, but anything’s healthier than starving myself.
I also like to keep some brown paper bags in the box. I use them with the popcorn. 2 tablespoons of kernels in a brown paper bag, in the microwave for 2 - 2.5 minutes and you have yourself I warm, light, healthy snack.
Flower Vase
I love flowers, and I love having them on my bedside table. But I hate having to look for a vase.
So, I keep this one in my Self Care Box ready to go on those occasions when I get flowers.
An Over-sized Shirt
Admittedly, I can’t really use this during the winter as it isn’t warm enough, but when I wear this shirt, it’s a signal to myself and those around me that I’m in need of some TLC. During the winter, a ratty, over-sized hoodie serves the same function.
Over to you
Do you have a self-care box? If so, what’s in it? If not, do you think you’ll make one? What would you put in it?
Let me know in the comments below!