What I'm Grateful for in 2019

I’m going to keep this short and sweet, but I wanted to share 10 things I have been grateful for this year.

  1. My friends.

    I am so glad that I have been able to spend time with them, celebrating the great things that have happened and supporting each other through the difficult things.

  2. My closest friend’s baby

    I won’t share any details in such a public place, but he is gorgeous and always brings a smile to my face.I love you so much, little one.

  3. Picking up new hobbies

    I have particularly enjoyed by baby steps into sewing, painting and gardening. I look forward to developing them more going forward. I have also been grateful for the opportunity to continue practicing old hobbies, including cooking, baking and crocheting.

  4. Nail polish

    It’s all so colourful and fun, and I love having something beautiful on me at all times. It’s a simple thing, but it’s really important to me.

  5. Studio Ghibli

    I only started getting into Studio Ghibli movies this time last year, and I have fallen in love with them. They are so comforting and cosy, and I love curling up with them and a cup of tea or hot chocolate.

  6. Publishing “Amidst The Ash”

    Honestly, publishing a book has been a huge step for me. And was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I have a long way to go on my writing journey, and it can be easy to get discouraged, but I am very grateful I was able to publish this book. I am also very grateful for all the support I have received in this endeavour.

  7. Finding new authors to love

    I love, love, love books. And finding new (or new to me) authors whose work I love is so exciting to me. Plus, if there’s one thing I’m not short on, it’s time. And good books are always welcome.

  8. Getting to spend time with family

    Both my sisters moved out of home this year, which has meant that spending time with them has been a special treat. We also had a number of family events happen, which were wonderful opportunities to catch up with aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. I have particular enjoyed getting to know my newest aunt as she has come to visit with my uncle a number of times this year.

  9. Blogging

    As challenging as it can sometimes be to get blog posts written and published on time, I am so graetful that I have been able to get back into blogging and that I have been able to maintain a somewhat regular publishing schedule. I am looking forward to this next month off, but will also be glad to get back into it in February. I have exciting ideas I am looking forward to exploring. I am also very grateful for you, dear reader. Thank you for your support of this blog and of me.

  10. The fact that I am still alive

    Yeah, probably not something most people think about much, but with two of my dearest friends’ mourning the loss of loved ones, the tragedy of the bushfires around Australia and my own chronic mental and physical health issues, I am reminded both of how precious life is, and how amazing it is to still be alive. I may not always want to be alive, but I am grateful for this gift that has been given to me. I try not to take it for granted.

And with that, I close out 2019.

See you all in 2020.

Laura Dee